Bela Pana : Most Favorite Juice of Odisha

Bela Pana is one of the most favorite juice in Odisha and it act as an antidote for sun stroke. 

During the hot summer, Odisha people celebrate "Pana Sankranti"

Here in Odisa we call juice as "Pana" and Bela ( Fruit from bel tree ) Panna ( Juice) hence it is called as Bela Pana. As per Odisha culture it is offered as Prasad or Naibedya to Lord Jagganath as prasad or summer juice. 

This is one of the healthy and natural juice.Therefore it is also know as hunger killer juice.Especially during Pana Sankranti, Odia families prepare this delicious and healthy juice at home and serve to their family members.

Lets know see how to prepare Odisha most favorite healthy and popular Bela Pana juice. 

Ingredients and preparation for Bela Pana :

  1. Ripe Bela fruits 
  2. 1/2 teaspoon Black pepper 
  3. 1 cup Grated coconut 
  4. 1/2 cup Banana peeled and mashed 
  5. 1/2 cup Beshan Bundi ( sweets) 
  6. Handful of cashew nut and raisin Sugar as per your taste
  7. Water 1 litre
  8. Some ice cubes 
Preparation Method:

Soak the bela fruit in 1litre water for two hours. After two hour with a spoon remove the pulp from bela. Mash the pealed banana and sugar together. Mix it in the prepared  bela juice. Add crashed black pepper in the bela juice. Add grated coconut and ice cube in it.. 

Your Bela Pana juice is ready and its time to serve your family member. Remember before serving don't forget to garnish the juice with  sweet beshan bundi and cashew, raisin. 

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Bela Pana : Most Favorite Juice of Odisha Bela Pana : Most Favorite Juice of Odisha Reviewed by Manoj Kumar Sethi on 11:45:00 AM Rating: 5

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